FOUNDER and CEO of “A BETTER LIFE NOW!” A Consulting Company Based in SANTA FE, New Mexico, whose primary function is WELLNESS & LIFE COACHING for All Ages (especially those over the age of 55 and are people of COLOR)
An Empowerment Company designed to Unleash the Greatness & in YOU now! Dr. Wanda has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education, A Master’s Degree in Counseling. Her Doctorate Degree is in Public Administration (DPA). She is also a SPIRITUAL teacher and an ordained Minister of New Thought Christianity by Reverend Dr. Johnnie Colemon, President Emeritus of the UNIVERSAL FOUNDATION FOR BETTER LIVING, Chicago, Illinois.
She has training and certification in several modalities, including but not limited to Meditation (Raja Yoga, Siddha Yoga, and Kriya Yoga Meditation practices); she has traveled and studied in India, Peru, Europe, Africa, and Mexico, and she has certification in the following: Pranic Healing, the Silva Mind Method, Insight Seminars, Astrology, the Enneagram, Re-Evaluation Counseling, she practices Qi Gong, Body Pump, Spin and Hatha yoga not being attached to any religious organization, she has studied many Spiritual paths including Kabbalah, the Nation of Islam, the Bahai’s, Science of Mind, Unity and is a current student of the Tarot.
High energy, Dr. Wanda is a Holistic Life/Wellness/ Executive Coach, Author, Workshop Leader/Trainer, Plant-Based Nutrition Consultant, and Motivational Speaker. She is the author of two award-winning books by the New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards for the Southwest, where there were over 1800 submissions for this recognition. Her books: Are You Living Together or Dying Together? (2012). She is an expert in healthy relationships; this book is about having healthy relationships with others and yourself. Stop Digging Your Grave With Your Teeth (2013). This book is about healthy food choices by eating plant-based and becoming virtually immune to obesity, heart disease & diabetes. Both books were finalists in this competition where she was recognized. Dr. Wanda is a “Plant-based Warrior” as she works to spread VEGAN AWARENESS for a lifetime of VIBRANT HEALTH. She is an example. Dr. Wanda’s third book is: Life Begins at 70! Yes, 70 is the new 40! (2015) which she gifted to all who attended her 70th birthday party.
She considers herself a “GLAMMA” and will share all of her secrets, tips, and inspiration for external and internal beauty…especially to those 50 and younger who would like to begin preparing NOW for their “Golden Years.” She says, “just visualize what you want to look like and feel like when you are in your 70s.” Going on to the age of 79, she realizes her vision. Her goals include being HEALTHY, HAPPY, and HOLY for herself and everyone. She also considers herself to be “Smart, Sexy, and Sacred!”
Because of her current interest in racial issues not only in this country but globally, Dr. Wanda is conducting intensive research into; the radical but understandable ROOT cause of the COLOR LINE issues, based on the work of Dr. Frances Cress Welsings’ seminal work entitled “THE ISIS PAPERS: The Keys to the Colors.” This research also includes Dr. Wanda’s very early personal experiences as a member of the NATION OF ISLAM nationalistic movement. Her work consists of the positive impact this experience had on her life and her young children during their early formative years in the early 1970s.
Dr. Wanda is the former Vice President of a 300-staff non-profit organization in Miami, Florida. She was a Management Skill Specialist for the five (5) southern campuses of the University of California (UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC Riverside, and UC San Diego). Dr. Wanda was a Management Trainer at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and a Coordinator/Trainer for the Community Facilitators Corps at the Santa Fe Community College. Among many other community service organizations, Dr. Wanda was vice-chair of the NM Office of African American Affairs, Secretary of the Con Alma Health Foundation’s Community Advisory Board, Member of the Santa Public Schools Citizens Advisory Community, the former two-term president of the Santa Branch of the NAACP. She is currently a member of the NM VOICES FOR CHILDREN BOARD OF DIRECTORS. She is a BLACK LEADERSHIP COUNCIL BOARD member. Also, Dr. Wanda is an ACTIVE member of the Santa Fe County DEMOCRATIC WOMEN’s Group (for the last 12-plus years).
She is the wife of business owner Charles Patrick “Pat” Padilla. Married for nearly 25 years to Pat, she is also mother to two children (Carla Cody, a Florida Attorney) and Mark Cody (An Ad Agency owner in Atlanta, GA.). They are grandparents to three and great-grandparents to three. They enjoy traveling worldwide, downhill skiing, biking, camping, tennis, golf & hiking.